1: 1 Somatic based coaching

Welcome Sister,

This is your invitation to come home to your body, Soul, & Nature.
Awakening to the Ancient creative feminine wisdom that lives within you.


Into your Body
Ground Into Mother Earth & her Seasons
Reclaim your sexuality, womb & power
Remember the ancient codes of feminine wisdom
Alchemise past wounds & ancestral patterns
Healing trauma & creating Nervous system regulation


Into your Souls purpose
Expand into what lights you up
Express your Creative Essence
Stand in your Power & Claim your desires
Connect to your Pleasure, Aliveness & Unique Expression
Feel safety, trust and belonging to bloom open

Now is the time to rise together

Join me in a devotional, lovingly held nurturing space for you to be guided into a profound rememberance of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, let's honour the whispers of your womb and soul, Embrace your creative essence, and awaken the divine magic within.

What Awaits You:

  • Soulful Unveiling: Dive deep into your essence, shedding layers to reveal the luminous soul that you are.

  • Embodied Alchemy: Harness the magic of somatic wisdom, weaving the threads of body, mind, and spirit to align with your innate power. Learning somatic and nervous system tools.

  • Radiant Reclamation: Reconnect with your feminine energy, reclaiming your sacred birthright of pleasure, power, and purpose.

  • Womb Wisdom Activation: Immerse in the healing embrace of your womb, unlocking its wisdom, vitality, and creative potential.

  • Holistic Pelvic Care™: Experience the transformative energy of your pelvic bowl, embracing the gateway to your intuition and pleasure.

This Journey is For You If. . .

  • You seek to dissolve the barriers holding you back, eager to thrive in your authenticity and feminine potency.

  • You long to release ancestral patterns, embody your soul's purpose, and bask in the magnificence of your divine radiance.

  • You are ready to embrace the transformative power of alchemy, unveiling your creative essence in a nurturing and sacred space.

What will sessions look like?

In these sessions, our focus is your intention and the wisdom that resides within you. Together, we'll take the time to craft clear and purposeful intentions, harnessing the power of your desires and needs. Each session becomes an unfolding journey, guided by the innate intelligence of your body. Drawing upon my extensive experience in coaching, somatic healing, shamanic practices, sexuality, and womb work, I will skilfully support whatever arises within you. It's about nurturing the organic emergence of what calls to be seen, heard, and transformed in your beautiful journey of self-discovery and healing.

Here are some of the things we may cover:

  • Gaining understanding on your needs, wants and desires, finding sacred authentic yes’s & why’s are as an anchor.

  • Emotional Empowerment, Completing Stress cycles, Expanding Capacity and regulation within the nervous system for trauma-resolution & techniques that support healing and integration.

  • Cultivating a healthy relationship with your inner feminine and inner masculine. Using these energies as a road map to develop a healthy and expansive relationship with yourself and others.

  • Sexual Healing & Thriving, through coaching tools, holistic sex techniques, Tao & Tantric practices, Pleasure connection, Jade Egg, Sex magic, Pelvic & Vulva mapping. Supporting you to connect to your aliveness, pleasure & creativity.

  • Feminine Wisdom practices, connecting to Sacred Anatomy, Womb & Heart rituals.

  • Working with, and Supporting your Inner Child. Healing Mother/Father/Caretaker. Healing Ancestral wounds & uncovering gifts.

  • Tools & practices that empower you to feel connected to your Body, Purpose & Power.

  • Holistic healing that encompasses body / mind / spirit, orientating you to your natural blueprint and unique self.

  • Supporting you through initiations, dark nights of the soul & the cycles of life, death & rebirth - which support you on your unique soul journey, creativity & inner knowing.

  • "Freya has helped me navigate through some deep ancestral challenges and has reawakened a faith that healing is truly possible. Through her sensitive, gentle, compassionate nature, combined with her deeply embodied wisdom, Freya helped me reconnect with my wombspace after years of disconnection. Due to early medical trauma, I’ve struggled all of my life with disassociation with my body so I found Freya’s beautiful guided meditations profoundly helpful in reconnecting me to the sensations and messages held in my body, particularly my womb. During her meditations, I was pleasantly surprised to receive messages and vivid imagery from this area, melting through the life long chronic numbness that presided. She suggested helpful ways of building a re-building the relationship with my womb through visualisation, dialogue and inner child work, through which I have experienced the bubbling of creativity, which felt dormant for so long and now feels on the cusp of being birthed! I am excited about unleashing the potential that lies within and am deeply grateful for Freya for all her help. x"


  • “Working with Freya is simply life-changing. Her presence is nurturing, shamanic, angelic, warm, wise, and gentle. She led me through such a powerful emotional release process in which I was able to gently alchemize energetic cords, free myself from past relationships, and allow my heart to feel that it’s safe to open, soften, and be with my emotions. You can tell that Freya truly lives and breathes this work, and that she is deeply connected to the spirit world and to the earth. I felt so safe, held, seen, and not rushed at all through our sessions. I loved how Freya intuitively offered guidance, love, reflections, and support when needed, while also providing plenty of spaciousness for me to be in my process. I felt supported and encouraged to both receive/surrender and to also tune into my own inner knowing and express my needs. After our work together in various capacities, I feel far more connected to my heart, my intuition, my womanhood, my guides and ancestors, my creativity, and my sensuality. Freya is a true embodied medicine woman and I would recommend her to anyone. If you feel the call, trust that it’s for a reason!”

    - Nadine H

  • "Freya has reconnected me to my womb, heart and bones. I felt so held as she guided me through the most beautiful ceremony. It was a grounding and sacred experience which my womb has been thanking me for ever since. The magic has kept unraveling, her guidance and focus has unlocked something within me which I did not expect to be so deep and so needed. She holds you with the upmost respect, love and presence, a safe and nurturing space to go inwards and be reunited with with yourself. Forever grateful for her gifts and offerings that she shares."


  • “ Words cannot describe how grateful I am for the guidance, support and tools I received while working with Freya! I felt totally at ease, so seen and held in my process. I feel such a huge shift in my energy, healed my relationship with my pleasure and gained an embodied understanding of my cycles and on going practices that support me. Having sessions with Freya felt like a transmission into deep time for healing, transformation and magic to occur! thankyou thankyou! ”

    - Becca T.

  • “Working with Freya has been so healing. She held space for me to truly listen to my womb's wisdom, connect to my body and pleasure, and create a life guided by my inner knowing. I love the tools Freya shared with me and I continue to use them in my daily life"

    - Lottie Paige, Business Coach

Foundations of my approach

  • Pleasure Embodiment

    Trauma Informed Somatic Coaching, Rituals & Practices. For healing & awakening. Building capacity to experience more pleasure & aliveness.

  • Empowerment

    Connecting to your desires, power & expression. Supporting you to unravel past conditionings, beliefs, imprints, and experiences, for true freedom and expression. Nervous system healing & trauma resolution orientated.

  • Somatic Pelvic Care

    Honouring & Aligning with cyclical energies. Activating the energy of your body, rooting into your womb & pelvis. Reclaiming the feminine mysteries. Awakening sensation and Sexual Energy for healing and pleasure.

Ways we can work together

Below are some different options to serve you in the level you are currently desiring….

— Option 1: Single Session —

A single 75 min zoom session
In a session we will explore and gain clarity on your desires. We will use somatic enquiry and tools that support you. You will receive guidance, reflection and support to take away from our time together. We can explore whatever is coming up for you, bringing more awareness and integration.


— Option 2: Four Session Journey —

Four x 60 min zoom sessions over a 1 - 2 month period.

Includes light email support in between sessions for homeplay and to support integration.

Complimentary 20 min discovery call available.


— Option 3: 10 Session Journey —

10 x 60 min zoom sessions over a 4 month period.

Includes email/ text support with recorded practices in between sessions for homeplay and to support integration.

Complimentary 20 min discovery call available
