Hey Love,

I’m Freya Rose—an Artist & Guide weaving the threads of creativity, healing, and feminine wisdom into transformative artistry.

My journey into this sacred realm was inspired by a profound personal story. Childhood trauma and navigating multiple illnesses left me feeling deeply disconnected from my body. However, this became the catalyst for my exploration into various modalities, teachings, creativity and trainings—each becoming a stepping stone toward my healing. Through this intricate path, I discovered a profound connection to nature, my body, and my own sexuality & creative life force.

Creativity, Magic, and art have been my companions since I was small. For all of my adult years, I have been on a continued exploration in art, fashion design, and creative energetics, I've nurtured a deep love for infusing magic and symbolism into bespoke designs. My passion lies in transforming visions into tangible, enchanting realities through graphic, web, and artistic expressions.

Beyond my artistic endeavors, I also serve as a mentor and guide, offering 1:1 Somatic Coaching and transformative circles that delve into themes of Cyclical Awareness, Feminine Embodiment, Trauma Resolution, Shamanic Womb Wisdom, and Holistic Pelvic Care. I hold an unwavering belief in the inherent healing and magic within each of us. My role is akin to that of a doula or midwife—supporting you in accessing your unique expression and pathways of healing and embodiment.

My journey—a blend of personal healing, professional training, and a profound connection to body, womb, creativity, nature, and indigenous teachings—has led me to believe in the transformative power of anchoring ourselves in our bodies and reconnecting with our true nature. I approach this path with playfulness, celebration, and a commitment to creativity, healing, and personal growth.

Join me on this journey devoted to the feminine path, where true healing and empowerment spring forth from the integration of creativity, nature, and profound self-connection.


I have great reverence to the Ancient Wisdom of the Earth, and Indigenous Celtic teachings of the land that my ancestors and I walk upon. Gratitude to all my personal teachers, wisdom keepers, and lineages that I have had the honour to be present with.

With great thanks & reverence to my personal teachers…

3 years of study with Dadeni Wisdom School, Native Mystery Traditions: Angharad Wynne, Eric Madden, Dr Gwilym Morus-Baird (and our co- created tribe)

Grandmother Etincelle, Grandmother Universelle, & Village of Source.

Tami Lynn Kent - creator of Holistic Pelvic Care

Carolyn Hillyer, Braided River Initiations, Ancient & Indigenous Celtic Women’s Work

Jewels Wingfield -Year long Earth based Celtic Feminine Sexuality journey & other shorter journeys.

Kimberly Ann Johnson - Somatic Sexologist & practitioner - multiple studies over several years.

Jane Hardwicke Collings - Shamanic Midwife studying personally and professionally over the years.

Layla Martin - Tantrica & Creator of VITA

Raaji Dessena - Mentor and guide since the beginning of my sexuality and healing journey

Resmaa Menakem - Somatic Healer

Catherine Hale - Somatic Practitioner

Trainings & Certifications

The Tantric Arts for Integrated Sexuality

(Certified Trauma informed Coaching) 2019 - 2022

Embody Lab
(Trauma & Nervous system training) 2020

Holistic Pelvic Care Training
(Tami Lynn Kent), 2020

Healing the Pelvic Floor: Reclaiming Your Power, Sexuality, and Pleasure Potential (Suzanne Scurlock-Durana) 2019

School of Shamanic Womancraft 2017-2018

Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Training (Level 1) 2018

Shamanka - Women’s Shamanism (Eliana Harvey) 2014-2016

Tantric & Feminine Arts Level (1 & 2) 2014

Art & Design Diploma & Fashion BA (2008-2011)

☽ I am of Polish, English & Celtic descent. ☽

I acknowledge that I come from a perspective of being a white women, of European origin. ☽ My pronouns are She/Her. ☽. I am committed to doing the continual journey of intersectional feminism, Anti-Racism, Economic Justice, and with the LGBTQA community. I strive to create safer & inclusive spaces and communities, I offer reduced rates & support where possible, so do reach out to me.